
It's all vanity, saith the preacher

 , "Thus saith the preacher," in the book of Ecclesiastes.  The preacher saith, "Vanity Vanity all is vanity." What is Vanity?  Solomon, the richest man ever, had great possessions.   His wealth consisted of drinking vessels made of gold, none of his vessels were made of silver.  Every three years,  the navy of Tharshish would bring Solomon gold and silver, ivory, and apes and peacocks.   Solomon built houses for himself, he had gardens of vines, orchards, trees of every kind of fruit, he made pools of water to water the fruit trees.

He had servants and maidens, and servants were born in his house.  He had a great possession of cattle he had men singers and women singers. Solomon had a thousand and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen.  He had horses brought out of Egypt, he had seven hundred wives, princesses and three hundred concubines.  Solomon's wealth exceeded all the kings of the earth, and all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put  in his heart. And Yet he says, " Vanity, vanity, all is vanity, "
Treasure chest with scripture written on it: lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth

Why did Solomon call all of his work and all of his labor that he done under the sun, vanity and vexation? Why did he feel like all of his accomplishments were vanity?  Why? Because he had come to the realization that all his work, and all his labor, and all his wealth would be left right here under the sun for some other man to reign and rule over.  All that he had built, and worked for and labored for, would someday belong to someone else. All of his work, when he leave this earth, will be left here for someone else to enjoy. When Solomon leave this earth, he would not be able to take his labor nor his works with him, and this is to Solomon  is vanity and vexation saith the preacher.

Solomon said, " Yes, I hate all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it to the man that shall be after me. (Ecc 2)  Solomon's work will not follow him, his seven hundred wives, his horses from Egypt, his vessels of gold, would all be given to another man when he leave this earth.

Let's Stop for a minute, and take a look at what we are working for, and who are we laboring for, how much time are we putting in on that job to get things that we will have to leave one day to someone else. Is it worth it? Your blood sweat and tears, and one day someone else will enjoy what you built, this is vanity!

Instead, if you are going to work long AND  hard for something, work for something you can take with you when you leave this earth.  work for something that's eternal,  work for something you don't have to worry about leaving to another man, to someone who may not appreciate your hard work.  SELAH.......\

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