Women of the Bible
Queens of the Bible
Speak His Word Only shares with you another Woman of the Bible, Esther. Her name is translated, "Star,"
When Queen Vashti refused to attend the banquet of her husband, King Ahasuerus, he relinquished her as queen and brought Esther a Jewish maiden in her stead. Esther was counseled for her duties by her cousin, Mordecai, and carefully trained in court protocol and queenly beauty by Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the royal harem, When Esther's turn came to appear before the king, she won his favour immediately and completely.
When Esther learned of this, she went undidden and against Mordecai's wishes to the king's court to reveal her identity and to appeal for her people. Being received graciously by the king she invited him and Haman to a special banquet. heman by now haf prepared a gallow for Mordecai. At the banquet, Esther revealed herself as a Jewess and turned the tables on Haman, so that Mordecai received the honors haman had planned for himself and Haman was hanged in the gallows he itented for Mordcai.
The Book of Esther is fictional not history Records do not show a queen named Esther or a Jewish queen by any name

Speak His Word Only shares with you another Woman of the Bible, Esther. Her name is translated, "Star,"
When Queen Vashti refused to attend the banquet of her husband, King Ahasuerus, he relinquished her as queen and brought Esther a Jewish maiden in her stead. Esther was counseled for her duties by her cousin, Mordecai, and carefully trained in court protocol and queenly beauty by Hegai, the king's eunuch in charge of the royal harem, When Esther's turn came to appear before the king, she won his favour immediately and completely.
When Esther learned of this, she went undidden and against Mordecai's wishes to the king's court to reveal her identity and to appeal for her people. Being received graciously by the king she invited him and Haman to a special banquet. heman by now haf prepared a gallow for Mordecai. At the banquet, Esther revealed herself as a Jewess and turned the tables on Haman, so that Mordecai received the honors haman had planned for himself and Haman was hanged in the gallows he itented for Mordcai.
The Book of Esther is fictional not history Records do not show a queen named Esther or a Jewish queen by any name