I'm Blessed Images

We are Blessed, because the Bible tells us so...Speak His Word Only

images of mountains covered with snow with scripture Blessed and holy is he that have part in the first resurrection

hills of sand with scripture written Blessed is he who keeps his garments

hills of whits sand with scripture written,Blessed are they whose sins are forgiven

tall mountains with trees below with scripture written,Bless are your eyes which see the things that you see

sand with scripture written, Bless is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly

mountain of sand with scripture written, Bless is the man whom the LORD will not impute sin

sun set with scripture written,Blessed are the servants whom the Lord when he come find watching

sun set with scripture written, blessed is servant when the Lord come find doing

sunset and sea with scripture written blessed are they called to the marriage supper of the lamb

sunset with scripture written,Blessed are they that keep the prophecy of this book

hills of sand with scripture written, Blessed are they that keep those things written in this book

a valley image with scripture written, blessed are they which do his commandments

image of white rocks with scripture written, Blessed is the man that endures temptation

mountains with scripture written, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

image of trees and mountains with scripture written Blessed are they  that have not seen and yet believe

lake with clouds above and reflecting on the water with scripture, Blessed is he that come in the name of the LORD

valley of mountains

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