Hosea Chapter One

Translating of the Names

our first name was Hosea (Howshea) which is translated.......Salvation
2. Beeri (Be'eriy) is translated - my well
3. Uzziah ( Uzziyahuw) is translated - my strength is God
4. Jotham ( Yowrham) is translated - God is perfect
5. Ahaz ( Awkhaz) is translated - he has grasped
6. Hezekiah (Chizqiyahuw) is translated God is my strength
7. Chazaq (Khawzak) is translated - to fasten upon
8. Jeroboam (Yarobam) is translated - the people will contend
9. Joash (Yowash) is translated - given by the Lord

Here are my insights:

The first two names, Hosea and his father Beeri, first of all I don't want to over look the fact that the bible mentions the name of Hosea's father, Beeri, when the bible takes the time to mention a father, he wants us to pay close attention to blood line, what linage the son came from.  There are a lot of false prophets out there that say that they are prophets of God, but here we are given the father's name to confirm where this prophet of God came from.  Hosea's name is translated, "Salvation" and his father's name is translated, My well.  A well is a place where one gets water from, water is the source of life, from Beeri, translated, my well, comes Hosea, or let's translate his name, Salvation,.... out of the well comes Salvation.

Out of the abundance of water comes Salvation.....We serve an AWSOME GOD!....

Now, let's look at this in the spirit, let's see God. God is the fountain of living water, ( Jeremiah 2:13) And God has a Son, and his Son is named Jesus, Jesus translated is "Salvation,"  In Matthew chapter one, Joseph was told to name this son Jesus Why? Because God's Son will save his people from their sin, this Son is God's Salvation. From the fountain of living water comes Salvation.  God is going to use the prophet Hoses to deliver his message of Salvation to his people.

God had a plan, a salvation plan......... his plan is perfect, given by the Lord, .........Let me stop here, because I want you to share with me your insights on the names you've translated.  There is so much to see, let God open up for you the scriptures.

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